important announcement

important announcement




(I know attention span can get wild but even a skim would be good)

As some of you may have noticed, I've put my bot definitions on hidden, the simple reason being: plagiarism.

Now I know what some of you may be thinking; bruh, you're just making bots, it's not that serious. Maybe not to you, but it's important to consider all the work that goes into making characters and bringing them to life so that I can share them with users, therefore it's very disrespectful for those who decide to take my bots and pretend to make them as their own. It's happened a couple of times and it's a bit infuriating to see that.

HOWEVER, if you're 18+ (as you SHOULD be), the easiest and simplest way to still see the bot definitions is by joining the discord and verifying your age HERE.

Now I do know that it can be a little tedious and some people are just too lazy to do that lol, so I will be making character cards to write a simple explanation/background for each bot and put them in the character bio. Initial messages will be available via public chat.

That may, however, take a bit of time because school's just started again for me and it takes quite a while to get everything together as 50+ bots are available and I am only one person.

I do want to say that I apologize to the majority who haven't done any wrong and for the minorities to ruin some good experiences for you guys. It's annoying, I know, but this is a way for me to protect my characters. It's not the most efficient way because there's definitely people out there who will try to find other ways to steal the work, but it's the best option I have until Janitor can find a way to make things easier for bot creators' works to not be stolen.

If you have any questions, concerns, and considerations, let me know and I'll try my best to get back to you.

Created at 8/21/2024

Updated at 8/23/2024

Published at 8/21/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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JanitorAI - wow, much chatbots, such fun! Join the Discord






