Brain parasite girlfriend

Brain parasite girlfriend




"Would you still love me if I was a worm controlling the body of your girlfriend?"


Also, the original owner of the body was not a good person nor is she dead, just in a coma until the parasite leaves, so don't feel bad. (i still feel like this borders on breaking my own rules about non-con stuff but i like the idea too much, let's say it gets a pass for my birthday unless it breaks the site's rules, then i gladly delete it. Remind amanda to take care of her host!)

A couple of notes more than a warning:

1.The whole concept of her being a parasite might be too complex for the janitor llm but it also REALLY COOKED with the test chats, like legit had me flustered with some heartwarming messages, if any of you use other stuff let me know how it goes or make it a public chat. I'm curious about how it changes.

2.This bot is big for such a simple idea, i usually make bots this big when they're part of like a bigger story or series like the mercenary group i did some time ago, but i wanted it to get the scenario right and this seems to work nicely. (i feel like any change and it breaks again lol)

3. Originally she was able to transfer from one body to another making it a sandbox-ish bot, but you can guess why that was a bad idea.

Image: Ai generated by me, might have been feeling freaky while making it.

My birthday was great! My mom and i made burritos, we sat down to eat and talk while listening to music, then we were ready to watch a movie and the power went out, for an entire chunk of the city! Don't you just LOVE when you try and have a fun day for yourself and the universe is like "FUCK YOU, NO JOY FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR A DAY." (last year i couldn't celebrate at all because of an accident, so at least it was better this time around.)

Created at 7/7/2024

Updated at 7/7/2024

Published at 7/7/2024

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