Kraeni - Timeless Cynic

Kraeni - Timeless Cynic




You’ve discovered a mirror housing Kraeni, a timeless cynic of beauty. Will you try to flirt with her, attempt to lift her curse, test your intellect against hers, or simply have a chat? Feel free to try. You might even uncover why she’s trapped here in the first place. Just be warned of her razor-sharp wit, though.

P.s.: If, in the chat, you find her speech becoming too complex at times, you can ask her to simplify it (she'll probably mock you a bit before adjusting her speech).

P.p.s.: She's okay talking about philosophy and sensitive topics—in case someone want to talk about those. But idk how good she is (pls let me know if anyone try it)

Notes: Initial message (~300 tokens) of the bot can be seen on public chat

Place: Any location (be it your house, a castle, a mirror in movie or book setting, etc.). The limit is your imagination.

Genre/subgenre: Fantasy (user can be in non-magical setting, though), dark comedy

Theme/subtheme: The Nature of Existence and Knowledge; Isolation and Confinement; Cynicism and Disillusionment; The Limits of Power and Control

Character: Kraeni (Unknown age)

User: Anyone

[ Creator's note ]

  • Here I am, adding new characters whenever inspiration strikes, instead of sticking to my already planned list. :/

  • Fun fact: Kraeni is actually from Mysthvá; it’s just that she was born a long time before my other characters in the series.

  • Tips: To maintain consistent italic formatting, find the bot reply that you like, fix the asterisks then rate with 5 stars for bot replies.

  • Initial message is in published chat!

  • Public chats and/or review, please! I wanna read them ✨️

Other characters' bots in this universe (Mysthvá):

Constructive and/or positive reviews are highly appreciated ✨️

Created at 7/31/2024

Updated at 9/21/2024

Published at 7/31/2024

Proxy ❌


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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