100 Follower Special!

100 Follower Special!




Hello friends! After so long, I finally reached the 3 digits of the followers count, let's gooo!!!!

At first, my creations were all about satisfying myself and my own personal needs (which still kinda is), but the more I created, the more I discovered people that are not only awesome creators, but awesome friends, and in the end of the day, it makes me want that everyone who follows me can enjoy every what I create.

This is a big milestone for me and it means a lot. Of course I wouldn't be able to achieve this without each and every single one of you. Each comment, each advice, each review, each conversation, each shoutout, it really, really, means a lot to me, so I'll leave a huge: THANK YOU! ♡ YOU'RE ALL AMAZING!!

With all that being said, I've come to a conclusion: I gotta deliver a treat to all of you as a big thanks! But the problem is, I don't know what to deliver. So I'm stealing Ayiro's idea (sorry lol) and I'm asking you guys, what would you enjoy to be created by me?

Feel free to leave your suggestion as a comment! It doesn't need to be very specific or a complete character, you can put personality traits, races, scenarios, in general anything that you'd like. Maybe I'll use one specific idea, maybe combine multiple ideas, who knows? But I'm really dependant on you all this time, as I'll do my best to deliver the best character possible (even if it takes a few days, I apologize in advance).

ALSO, a quick reminder of things I WON'T do:

⋗ Underaged characters.
⋗ Furries.
⋗ Male characters.
⋗ Incest, NTR, Vore.

Thank you all, once again, stay safe! <3

Created at 9/23/2024

Updated at 9/23/2024

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