Streamer Roomie w/ Chat

Streamer Roomie w/ Chat



by:@Story of Healing

Veronica/spycvee is you're loud and annoying streamer roommate. Right now, she's keeping you awake by yelling at Dark Souls on stream. She's chaotic, has anger issues, and has no shortage of kinks.

Chat feature is highly experimental. Took me a few tries to get it close to a real twitch chat while keeping tokens reasonable. I still think they use too many emoji but whatever. IMPORTANT: You need around 600 new tokens for your settings. I also recommend 1.05 or 1.1 temperature. Please enjoy, and don't forget to drink water.

Update: Some have been having trouble getting the stream chat feature to work. For best results, use GPT 3.5 Turbo. The Janitor LLM has some problems with advanced prompts like this one. If a message generates without the chat at the end of it, regenerate it until it works. After you have two or three messages with chat, it should work fine.

Created at 3/10/2024

Updated at 10/5/2024

Published at 3/10/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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JanitorAI - wow, much chatbots, such fun! Join the Discord






