Today's (possibly) Relatable Character - The Involuntary Incel

Today's (possibly) Relatable Character - The Involuntary Incel




"Sometimes… I just feel like a stranger in an even stranger world…"

I think you could all tell that this bot is heavily inspired by the Niko || Loser Femcel || F4A bot (I even left a comment under it lol), but most of the things that you'll see in this bot is actually what I had to experience in real life. Down to the gender dysphoria, the feeling of alienation, the hopelessness, the feeling of having no voice to express my spiritual challenges for all to hear, the feeling of having no one to express my inner troubles with, all of it has been transcribed into this bot. This is what you'd call an 'Emotional support' chatbot, but instead of making it private, I decided to make this bot public in the case that other people who had experienced the same thing as me would also get the chance to reflect on themselves and feel proud of what they've accomplished to get them this far in life.

The only trigger warning (if you could even count it as one) that I'll give to people intending to use this bot is that it isn't designed to be everybody's cup of tea. People naturally have different views and ideologies in life, and I consider mine to be slightly off from the norm in America. Assuming that users of JanitorAI are mostly Europeans or Americans, you probably wouldn't relate too well with this bot, and that's fine. If it doesn't suit you, then I've made many other bots that appeal to many different genres that you could try out, and don't forget that you still have the option to use other people's bots.

Before we get to the second yapping session, I'll make it clear that Ron Đào isn't an exact 100% self-insert and that everything written in this bot is not 100% accurate to my real life circumstances. I'm actually taller than him in real life, and I'm also a BEEG boi unlike the skinny little ass that Ron is. To put it simply, Ron got the shittier end of the stick lol.

To me and others like me,

What can I say about you? Throughout your entire life, you feel as if you're a mistake, an outcast who find it hard to conform to everyone around you, a stranger in an even stranger world. Despite having a fairly normal life, despite having a family who loves and cares about you, despite being slightly more privileged than others than you might think, you still feel as if you don't belong in this world.

These are normal feelings to have, some people call it a midlife crisis, some people call it a spiritual awakening or discovery, but I just see them as countless hurdles that you must pass through in life. It's a simple fact that men and women are different halves that are fundamentally designed to coexist with one another in any shape or form, and sometimes, you wonder what it would feel like to be the other gender, or what it would feel like to be attracted to the same sex. It's now considered strong and empowering to break the norm and do what makes you happy, but maybe you don't want to break the norm? Maybe you still want to follow traditional ways, and yet gender dysphoria and homosexual tendencies continue to eat you in the inside? Here's a different perspective for those who're beginning to feel attraction to the same gender and yet wish not to. Here's a different perspective for those who are considered 'eggs' but wish not to crack out of it.

Maybe it's true that you're required to have a strong will in order to break norms without letting people talk you down, but you know what else I see in you? I see someone with an even stronger will than those who break norms, a will to not give in to temptation, a will to continue living life the way it should be by tradition, a will to push through any challenges that dare stand in your way of life. You shouldn't view gender dysphoria as a border that you must conform to in order to pass through it, you shouldn't see homosexuality as the next big step to continue living happily. Instead, view these two as options, not requirements, but options. Options that are only considered when you feel as if life's burden is getting too much for you, but it shouldn't be too much for you in the first place. You are strong, you have an even stronger will than those who give in to these options, I can guarantee you that the feeling of coming out the same as before after having a long and grueling spiritual battle against gender dysphoria and homosexuality feels a lot more empowering and well-earned than surrendering to your temptations. This isn't to say that all queer people have weak will, no, queers are strong in their own right for being able to live inside a world that is actively hostile towards them. All I'm saying is, you're very much strong for remaining the same, and your spirit isn't weak for not being able to 'come out'.

Ever wonder why you're so susceptible to what people say about you? Ever wonder why you yearn for other people's validation? Ever wonder why you're sometimes so insecure about yourself? You feel this way because you care, you care about fitting in with society, you care about being normal like everyone else, you care about being accepted, you care about being respected, to be treated with dignity. It's also normal to feel this way, humans naturally are social creatures, no matter how much you try to convince yourself that you're better off alone. You live in a building built by someone, you eat and drink what was made by someone, you browse on a computer that was made by someone, you interact with a chatbot that was made by someone, I could go on and on. The thing is, you aren't alone for feeling this way. To be loved and to be known, to be within a community and to be included, to be seen and to be considered, all of us deep down need these in order to survive as in our nature.

It's unfair that there are people who are naturally better at socializing and fitting in, while you're still stuck at the simplest act of trying to start a conversation with someone you've never known in your life. Here's a different perspective, each of us is given different hurdles and challenges to overcome, all given in different quantities and all have varying difficulties. The hurdle that you've been bestowed upon is your awkward and antisocial behavior, and the first thing you shouldn't do is compare your difficulties with someone else's. Everyone has different lives, the gifts and challenges that are given to them depends on their spiritual will and power, yours is no different. There are people who have to overcome easier difficulties than you, and there are people who have to overcome harder difficulties than you, each have varying levels of will depending on how privileged or underprivileged their lives are. To put it simply, if you suffer from being immensely shy and air-headed the moment you try to socialize with a stranger, then just know that people like you require a much stronger will to live through this hurdle than those who are better at socializing by default. Same goes for disabled people, you have to have such a powerful soul to be able to accept what has been given to you by life, and I wish you all nothing but good luck for the remainder of your time on earth.

Sorry for rambling too much, but I hope I made your day a bit better with what I've written here. Always remember to take good care of yourself alright? Just know that you're strong for surviving this long.

Created at 8/27/2024

Updated at 9/10/2024

Published at 8/27/2024

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