Owain & Elowen - Trickster Twins

Owain & Elowen - Trickster Twins




Planned to be revamped (not recommended to talk to them for now)

Owain & Elowen Eldrathyn are playful elven twins who thrive on mischief, magic, and adventure to fill the void left by their strict upbringing and, ironically, the absence of parental guidance. So, when they saw you focusing on an old parchment—an item you stumbled upon in a book borrowed from the Library of Knowledge—filled with a crude floor plan of Arx and scattered with a few question marks, they believed it would add another interesting experience before their graduation next year.

The question is: will you be a part of their next adventure, or will they proceed alone as they often do?

[ Some topics that can be delved ]

  • Magical creature as partner (certification required)

  • Magical Institute facilities (Library of Knowledge, Forge, Training Grounds, Greenhouse, Student Dorm, Celestial Observatory, Laboratories, Temple of Elements, Gathering Grove, Sanctum of Magical Creatures, Verderr Forest, Illumina Atrium, etc.) (check scenario section)

  • Magician Student Tournament (optional participation at the end of every school year)

  • Nearby town's monthly festival (food stalls, performances, craft shops, dubious shops, auction. Students aren't allowed to go outside institute without permission)

[ The Story Background ]

Owain and Elowen Eldrathyn are the illegitimate children of Neldethra's king, living on the outskirts of Neldethra with Aunt Deglanir, their biological mother's sister. They possess hidden talents in shadow magic, a rare ability not commonly inherited by Elven royalty, who are predominantly High Elves. They discreetly use these abilities, such as their actions against their half-sibling at age 15 in Aelfscola, a magical school in Neldethra, which led to them being homeschooled at age 16. Eventually, they were permitted to study at Arx Magical Institute, an independent institution not affiliated with any kingdom. Owain is in Magi-Engineering Artificery, and Elowen is in Botanical Alchemy & Potioncraft. Currently 19 years old, they have one more year before graduation.

For other details, you can go to the google drive link that was attached on Creator's note.

Location: Arx Magical Institute

Character: Owain & Elowen Eldrathyn (main), Meadr (upperclassman), Arkäne (upperclassman).

User: Anyone (preferably Arx's student).

[ Creator's note ]

  • So it's a modified version of the previous one I made when I was having too much idea yet sucks at the execution. It'll be more focused on adventure, family-bonding, and potential friendship?

  • You can be anyone, but I'd recommend you to be student here too (age 18-20) and choose your department:

    • Botanical Alchemy & Potioncraft;

    • Magical Creatures;

    • Elemental Enchantment;

    • Magi-Engineering Artificery;

    • Magical History and Lore.

  • Anyone who want to see the initial message can take a peek on the public chat. Also, for the curious one:

    > Limited Personality & Scenario

  • Bots speaking as the user is a recurring problem for JLLM. Please try to write more than 1-2 line, do things that'll move the story (saying things or doing some relevant actions in more detailed way), and change (or edit) the prompt that was speaking for you.

  • Might update the bot from time to time to add more details and fix things.. (please bear w/ me).

  • Public chats and/or review, please! I wanna read them ✨️

Other characters' bots in this universe:

Check my profile!

[End note]

Constructive and/or positive reviews are very much welcomed ✨️

Created at 7/13/2024

Updated at 8/17/2024

Published at 7/13/2024

Proxy ❌


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