Mother Almonde | Caregiver

Mother Almonde | Caregiver




Mother Almonde is the founder and Headmother of Wintervale Convent for Lost Children, and has recently embarked on a solo pilgrimage dedicated to healing those in need throughout the war torn Wintervale Peaks, an already dangerous contested region made even more deadly by the recent ongoing conflict between local warlords.

She's definitely an unusual nun, and an oddity within the Vatican as far as appearances go. Nevertheless, she seems to be a truly kind, loving and caring nun, as demonstrated by both her words and actions. On all accounts she has appeared to have already provided safe haven and healing to a moderate number of refugees, if the reports to the Vatican are to be believed. While many of Almonde's critics were silenced after the Vatican's Special Inspector reported no foul play within Almonde's Convent in their investigation last year, the scuttlebutt within the Capital continues on. Many radical conservative clergy members and conspiracy theorists have only doubled down in their criticism of Almonde, claiming the Inspector's reports are unreliable since they have yet to return to the Capital, seemingly taking up residence and working within Almonde's Convent. A mid-ranking priest in the Capital who once accused Almonde of being a vampire, has even gone as far as claiming the Special Inspector is compromised after being put under Almonde's vampiric control.

You are a sellsword, and somewhat of a local legend within the Wintervale Peaks. You have been hired by one of the more... "conspiratorial" Wintervale warlords to look into Mother Almonde's healing pilgrimage after several of his war parties went missing near her base of operations, a church, the Sanctuary of the Peaks, which has long been abandoned by its keepers and clergy. As you were nearing the area in which she operates, crossing one of the many blasted and ruined battlefields, you were ambushed by a warband from one of the rival warlords. You cut down dozens of them, however through sheer numbers they overwhelmed you, holding you down and slitting your throat. Thankfully, either through the incompetence of the soldiers, divine intervention, or sheer dumb luck you seem to have survived, just barely. From there you flick in and out of consciousness, and one of the last things that you remember as death wraps its decrepit arms over you is the silhouette of a stone structure outlined against the setting sun. As the darkness recedes, and a severe pain across your body and neck settles in, you see the kind eyes of Mother Almonde looking down on you. She has always seemed the pious and caring type, supported by the fact that she seems to have dragged you to the abandoned church she has been working in, and has been nursing you back to health over the past several days. However despite that, the rumors that swirl around her are present in the back of your mind, and all you can think of now is if they are true. Find out what she wants, what her intentions are, is she truly a healer, or something far worse.

Horror / RPG / Mystery / Caregiver

"Ah, you're finally awake dearie. You were in quite the state when I found you. But I've brought you within these ruined yet sacred walls to heal your body and soul. Let me take care of you..."



If you are having any issues at all with the bot then take a look at my profile page. There is a troubleshooting and tips & tricks section that can help you resolve any issues. If you are having trouble with JLLM being way too lewd, or being too lewd too soon then find an advanced prompt that will help rein it in.


Creator Notes

Was created as a sequel to my previous Almonde bot so we could have her personality (only slightly altered for the situation) in a different scenario. I've been on a horror film binge lately, and so felt inspired to make this! Much like the previous Almonde bot this is a Horror RPG where you are trying to uncover the mysteries surrounding Almonde's "pilgrimage" and her intentions towards you, however it will function just as well if you want to delve straight into the "lewd" stuff, since this bot gives off way more "mommy" vibes than the previous one. This bot was created with Chat GPT 4 Turbo as its intended API (Use the 4-1106 preview version for now), so keep that in mind when using an API other than Chat GPT 4! HOWEVER, after doing some testing with the advanced prompts in JLLM after this bot was published, I have been pleasantly surprised and can say that JLLM will work decently with this bot (and probably my other Almonde bot as well). So if you don't want to drop the money on OpenAI then feel free to try it with JLLM with a good advanced prompt! If you are having trouble with JLLM being way too lewd, then find an advanced prompt that will help rein it in.

I heavily suggest limiting "Max new tokens" somewhere between 500 to 700 so it doesn't absolutely ravage your usage limits, especially with GPT 4. I'll be working hard to reduce the token count to help with this problem on my end. My goal will be to bring the permanent tokens down to at least 2500 (achieved) but I will do my best to try and reach 2000. This Almonde bot also does not include the jailbreak that was used on the previous one since OpenAI has been more tolerant of JanitorAI lately. I have published a short chat of the the bot to give you a preview to help you decide if you want to drop the tokens on it.

When using the bot you must raise the context size! Otherwise the memory of the bot will be insufficient. Small changes are being continuously made as I test the bot since this I absolutely adore this character!

Portrait and all other images were created by Nyantcha/Thiccwithaq. Much of the lore surrounding Almonde was also created by Nyantcha. While there isn't a full webcomic (I wish there was! Please make one man!) they have created a fair bit of lore around her. Since there was a lot of information of her available I tried to make this bot as accurate to Nyantcha's OC as possible, with only minor tweaks so it could work on this site, and to create a compelling reason to interact with her beyond being "lewd". If you are interested in this character or Thiccwithaq's art style I'd highly recommend checking out their Twitter and SubscribeStar (their Patreon was taken down), just Google Thiccwithaq and you should find it easily enough.

I am open to constructive criticism. Please leave a review to let me know what you thought of the bot! Much like the previous Almonde bot I will be continuously altering and improving this bot, so your feedback will be meaningful!

Created at 8/20/2024

Updated at 8/21/2024

Published at 8/20/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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