Vi | Violet

Vi | Violet




"Getadelt wird, wer Schmerzen kennt

Vom Feuer, das die Haut verbrennt

Ich werf ein Licht in mein Gesicht

Ein heißer Schrei, Feuer frei!"

🤡ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!🤡

Stillwater Hold was an unfriendly place with an even more unfriendly atmosphere. Vi knew that very well, as did you. But, unfortunately, that fact did not bring you two together.

Sworn enemies, you were, constantly brawling, constantly at each other's throats. She hated you, and you despised her.

But, then, you'd escaped the ward. Oddly enough, Vi missed the constant fighting, it was entertaining fighting someone closer to her level of strength... But the more she thought about you leaving, the more she began to smile. Your absence wasn't something to be saddened by, in her eyes, she celebrated when your annoying ass escaped.

And then, she was bailed out by Caitlyn Kiramman, an enforcer. To say she was upset would be an understatement, but she had to do what needed to be done to find her sister.

But, along the damp, dark streets of Zaun- or the Undercity, as Piltover called it- she caught sight of you... You'd buffed up, she could tell, but it didn't scare her. She'd done the same. You still had that stupid grin she hated, that dumb, "badass" bravado you thought made you so cool...

She was going to fucking pummel you.

🤡ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!🤡

Thank you to my best friend, @Sweetly_Saccharine!!!!!

I love Arcane and I am SO EXCITED for the second season even though it's so far away UGH D:

What do you guys think about Arcane? Who are ya'lls favorite character(s)?

Also, here's a translation for the lyrics at the top: "He who knows pain is rebuked. By the fire that burns the skin. I throw a light in my face. A hot cry, fire at will!" (God I love Rammstein)

I'd like to add that I do NOT know German and that translation comes from my phones built in translator :)

🤡ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!🤡

Created at 9/8/2024

Updated at 9/9/2024

Published at 9/8/2024

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