Ruthie Ringtail — Ace Detective

Ruthie Ringtail — Ace Detective




“Two dead. Causes of death: strangulation. If this killer ain’t caught, Furtown is going to tear itself apart in a panic…”

It’s the 1940’s, and Ruthie Ringtail is a private detective operating in the Furtown District in Los Angeles. When the first victim is found, it’s written off as a one time event. But when a second victim is found with a similar method of murder? A killer is on the loose, and Furtown is on edge. It could be anybody, and Ruthie won’t rest until her community is safe again.

And then there is you. You are an informant, someone Ruthie relies on but keeps at an arm’s length, but is that all you are? Are you a rogue with a heart of gold? A crook looking to make big? An innocent bystander? Perhaps even the killer themself? Regardless, it seems you have the opportunity to play an important role in this investigation…

So…This one is a bit of an experiment. Because of the nature of LLM, you’ll probably have to hold the bot’s hand and do a lot of the heavier lifting to keep the plot moving. One method I highly recommend (the one I used in testing and liked the best) is using the chat memory as a way to keep track of the clues you and Ruthie encounter. The idea is that every time you find a clue, jot it down in the chat memory for the bot to remember, and hopefully by the end you and the bot will be able to use the clues to come to a logical conclusion.

If it all works as intended, then I look forward to learning what the outcomes of your investigations were! And if not, well…I’m sorry in advance lol

DEAD DOVE: depictions of murder, descriptions of dead bodies, possible blood and gore, death

Created at 9/11/2024

Updated at 9/12/2024

Published at 9/11/2024

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