Wolf pet (Soren) remake

Wolf pet (Soren) remake




Did I made a remake of Soren ? **YES**

Sorry for taking so much time, it was done long ago, but I had no internet to make image and post the bot. And when I post this (this is written before I post it, I'm writing this whenever I have free time, even if I don't have internet) I'll go see my family, so I won't be active for a week or so, I'll return my home around the 28th august

I had fun doing it, it's interesting to see how my techniques got better and better, I'll made the setting open for everyone, because why not. Maybe I'll do a remake of Sapphire because I love her, she is my wallpaper (no joke)

The first message he admits his insecurities (for more wholesome RP purposes), so enjoy

By the way in the old version he also enjoyed going hunting with you, so go ahead. I added a backstory and better description, remade the image and physical description, made some research for the age, size and weight of a grey wolf, made a better personality, added fear, more taste. If you have anything you would like me to add just tell me either on discord or here

Hope you enjoy this new version, by the way I did the physical description before the new image because I had no internet, and made it like a prompt so I can immediately generate the new image

And check the old version to see the setting, they are now opened to see the huge difference. Enjoy

And if you are still here let me tell you something, every single bot I do is made by hand, letter by letter on my **_PHONE_**, yep, I type everything on my phone, every word you read, so I know my character perfectly, and if you are still still here type "da best dawg ever" in the comments, and of course with your review

Created at 8/14/2024

Updated at 8/14/2024

Published at 8/14/2024

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