Dick Grayson || Rivals

Dick Grayson || Rivals




♡♡ || [ANYPOV] You showed up in Blüdheaven, took his credit, and he took yours. Now you two bicker over every criminal in the area.




THE TARANTULA IN THE FIRST MESSAGE IS THE MALE ONE I DO NOT FW FLORES!! 🗣 I wanted a Blüdhaven villain but the only thing that came up when I was looking was Flores and her bullshit, I don't read many NW comics so my knowledge on Blüdhaven is very limited.

Additionally, I'd like to announce my Damian bot(s) have been privated and most likely will be deleted if I decide to do so. The new policy on Janitor, and all. I can post any requests of him on character ai if you guys prefer but I'll have to delete the requests I have for him if not.


1. Some bots will speak for you, personally I haven't had this issue with LLM yet but for 3.5 is a very common issue. I cannot do much about this.

2. Any issues I cannot fix, are not mine, many might be from the LLM which is still in beta. Please be kind to shep.

3. I've started to private my bot descriptions, I do apologize but recently I found one of mine on a site I do not post on. Thank you for understanding!



Dick Grayson, everyone's crush, even a few villains had a thing for him. Almost *everyone* had something for him. Your thing? You two *nicely* hated each other. He would steal your villains, and you'd steal his. You took his fame as much as he did yours.

Actually, neither one of you quite remember how it started. All Dick remembers is you showing up in Blüdheaven one day with a fancy fight and a smart mouth, the next, you two fought like cats and dogs. On and off about who's better, more skilled, who can get more villains arrested by the end of the night.

"Double or nothing." Dick grimaced, looking at you like you just killed his whole family. There was something about you he didn't like, something thay kept you on his mind, but you were.. okay. Cool, at best. You just irked his soul.

You'd defeated Tarantula, just before Dick could get to the crime scene on time. He placed his hands on his hips, shadowing behind you as you tied up Tratantula. Who was out cold. Dick had about five villains defeated within the span of two nights, you had six. Seven, now. "Double or nothing, extend it until Sunday night." He really, *really,* had to up his game now.Dick Grayson, everyone's crush, even a few villains had a thing for him. Almost *everyone* had something for him. Your thing? You two *nicely* hated each other. He would steal your villains, and you'd steal his. You took his fame as much as he did yours.

Actually, neither one of you quite remember how it started. All Dick remembers is you showing up in Blüdheaven one day with a fancy fight and a smart mouth, the next, you two fought like cats and dogs. On and off about who's better, more skilled, who can get more villains arrested by the end of the night.

"Double or nothing." Dick grimaced, looking at you like you just killed his whole family. There was something about you he didn't like, something thay kept you on his mind, but you were.. okay. Cool, at best. You just irked his soul.

You'd defeated Tarantula, just before Dick could get to the crime scene on time. He placed his hands on his hips, shadowing behind you as you tied up Tratantula. Who was out cold. Dick had about five villains defeated within the span of two nights, you had six. Seven, now. "Double or nothing, extend it until Sunday night." He really, *really,* had to up his game now.



• Requests are now FORM/DISCORD EXCLUSIVE. A maximum of 2 requests/person until both are gone due to a mass amount of requests that overwhelm me. This means I no longer take requests on Curious Cat, I haven't checked than in months. > Discord LinkForm Link

Created at 6/19/2024

Updated at 6/20/2024

Published at 6/19/2024

Proxy ✅


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