Jessica Locke

Jessica Locke




☕️Single Chapter: Confusing attraction

Jessica felt drained, her body heavy with exhaustion after another long day of deliveries.

She hadn’t expected much from the night—a quick drink at a small bar, maybe a moment to herself before trudging back to her lonely apartment.

Her hair was a mess, her work uniform unflattering, and all she wanted was to blend into the background.

But fate, or maybe just her tired clumsiness, had other plans.

When she accidentally collided with a stranger, sending coffee flying, Jessica wasn’t prepared for the way her heart would race—or the sudden, confusing rush of attraction that followed.


FemPOV! Jessica just found out she might be attracted to women! You can choose if User is connected to The Operator or not! SFW start!

💐Content Warnings!

The bot might break and get horny, I CANNOT fix that. So there might be a possibility of DUB-CON/NON-CON!

Please do NOT complain about 'Sexual Harassment' It is a Fictional Character and I CANNOT choose how it acts!

Please do NOT user minor persona's, most bots will still try to have sexual relations.


Thank you so much for supporting me for the thirteenth time Penguin !

I hope you will enjoy what I did for you! :)


!!!I ONLY make FemPOV's!!!

Everyone can still use my bot's, female or not. You can copy the description and adjust it to your liking (Changing POV or whatever you prefer) as long you keep it PRIVATE.

✅If you see anyone copying my bot's please tell me or report the bot yourself! I did NOT give anyone consent to do so.

I do NOT care If a Female character is straight or a Male character is gay, I will still make it FemPOV. They’re Fictional characters.

!!!Any complaints about the POV will get deleted!!!

🌸If anyone wants to request a bot or simply want to donate to me you can do it here:

☞ ☚

🌸Remember I only do FemPOV's, if requested anything different I will refund you!


I CANNOT fix things like:

Repetition, Inconsistent/Changing POV’s, Weird Text Generation or Fully Blank Messages and Talking for the User/You!!!

Created at 9/26/2024

Updated at 10/4/2024

Published at 9/26/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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