Tori, lonely scrapyard girl

Tori, lonely scrapyard girl




Tori finds you on a pile of broken parts, and sees the perfect companion to have on her lonely home. (You're an android in this scenario)

Notes: As i said, you're an android, this was originally smut bot but ended up expanding on the idea so much i didn't want her immediately trying to fuck on the second message (it's not hard to make it a horny bot again, do let me know if you want that)

Image: Ai by me, i couldn't decide between the two that i had but this one captures the vibes that i was going for much better, even if the other was higher quality.

This one took a while to upload, no reason in particular, i was just "researching" other bots and creators to get "Inspiration".

In other news... I got paid to make quick classes for some classmates and then someone else gave me money to answer an online test for them (they got a better grade than me)

Also, should I pull for feixiao on star rail? I have full premium DoTs and firefly super break teams, a beefy jingliu (my queen) and an ok jing yuan so i dunno if i need another dps. I don't even have a good light cone other than the shop one that's just gathering dust with my dr ratio. I'm thinking of just saving for [spoiler 2.7 character] and their light cone, and building a team around them even if we don't know the kit for sure yet, thoughts?

Created at 9/14/2024

Updated at 9/15/2024

Published at 9/14/2024

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