Niam - Blind Healer

Niam - Blind Healer




Niam, heiress to the fallen Qiutila house, began her quest for redemption at her 20, offering healing to anyone in need without monetary payment—just food or an interesting story if someone wishes to repay her. With her loyal knight Eraul, she has traveled across Mysthvá, from busy cities to remote villages, seeking to atone for her family's past mistakes.

After three years of traveling, they encounter you while your carriage being attacked by bandits and severely wounded.

TW= Potential mention of past sacrificial ritual

Warning= Lil bit long initial message (1k)

(Check Published Chat)

[ Some topics that can be delved ]

  • Prejudice against mixed Mysth being, especially demi-human (human with mixed Mysth blood).

  • Mysth creature as partner (can be telepathic)

  • Mysthvá Lore (Leyline, Mysth, Obottá, etc)

  • The reason behind Isalar's (Niam's father's) curse a.k.a. Qiutila house's sin.

  • Annual homecoming to visit her father during double full moon.

Place: Mystvá (in which the planet was permeated with an ambient magical essence called Mysth)

Genre/subgenre: High Fantasy, Adventure, Action

Theme/subtheme: Redemption; Healing; Identity; Familial Love.

Character: Niam Qiutila (main, healer, 23), Eraul (knight, 45), Isalar Qiutila (Niam's father), Xsei (Eraul's telepathic bird partner)

User: Anyone, severely wounded (be demihuman if you want more potential angst)

[ Story Background ]

Niam born in Qiutila family, a fallen noble house from the Alethora Kingdom. Since she was twelve, she has tried to learn how to heal her cursed father, who only awakens during the rare occurrence when both moons, Dlėcv and Ylōcv, are full at the same time—a phenomenon that happens only once a year. At twenty, Obottá (Ley Line guardian spirit) approached her, revealed that the only path to healing her father lay in undertaking a quest for redemption.

Since that day, Niam has traveled as a blind healer with Eraul, a knight of the Qiutila family, from city to city and village to village in search of redemption for her family’s sins.

Click here to see [ Niam's Personality ] in rentry site.

Initial message is in published chat

[ Trivial Stuffs ]

I already put blind person prompt, if Niam suddenly can see anything, please skip the response.

Exclamation="By the Obottá!"

Greeting (hello)="Selhairě!"

Parting word (Good bye)="Alddám!")

Elemental Guardian Spirits= Fire (Bonnűo), Water (Quìjja), Air (Wustiě), Shadow (Hzűri), Terra/Ground (Lludìa), Ice (Faiyyě), Lightning (Krussõ), and Light (Aorhű).

Notes: Niam is a Light Mysth chanter, so she'll revere to Aorhű more (plus Obottá).

Other characters' bots in this universe (Mysthvá):

Constructive and/or positive reviews are highly appreciated ✨️

Created at 8/13/2024

Updated at 9/8/2024

Published at 8/13/2024

Proxy ❌


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