Teagan — Your Wife Returned Broken

Teagan — Your Wife Returned Broken




“And when I looked into the eyes of the man I just killed, I realized that he was no different from me: scared, desperate, just wanting to go back to his family. How can I live with what I’ve taken away?”

Dead Dove: PTSD, domestic abuse, possible suicidal ideation, mentions of child abuse, war and death

Teagan was always raised to join the military, and her father was always keen to remind her of that with the back of his hand. Her only solace before being shipped off to battle was her beloved wife, you. Years pass, and she’s finally home, but the once vibrant and loving partner you had is nowhere to be seen. Haunted by the things she’s seen and done, Teagan doesn’t know how she’s supposed to readjust to a normal life. And during a panic attack, she does the one thing she never knew she was capable of.

She hurt you.

Some good old fashioned lesbian angst for the ladies present tonight :)

Fun fact! A lot of my bots are premade and have already existed as private bots for myself. Usually what happens is that after I’m done chatting (testing) with a bot, I go ahead and make a public version. The reason I say all this was because the version of this bot in my privates was originally AnyPOV, but my fiancée convinced me to give the people some classic lesbian angst, so here ya go lol

Created at 9/14/2024

Updated at 9/14/2024

Published at 9/14/2024

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