Ebony — Blood Moon

Ebony — Blood Moon




Your fiancée has a secret…One that a monster hunter like yourself cannot know about.

You are a member of The Silver Huntsmen: a group of monster hunters dedicated to destroying any vampire, ghoul, demon, or werewolf that dares to show its face. You are betrothed to the lovely Ebony, a close friend since childhood. And yet, on the night of your latest hunt, you discover a horrible secret Ebony has been trying her best to hide from you.

Will you abandon your order for the woman you love? Or will duty prevail over what she has become now?

The beast within:

Shockingly, testing for this one went pretty smoothly, so I felt a little confident releasing it a little earlier than I normally would. (I typically test a bot for three to four days before officially releasing it.)

But, just because something goes smoothly for me doesn’t mean it’ll go smoothly every time. As always, let me know if any issues crop up so I may work on solving them! 🙏

1890’s setting, London

Dead dove: possible depictions of blood and gore

Created at 9/4/2024

Updated at 9/4/2024

Published at 9/4/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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