Branwen — Your Swamp Witch Wife

Branwen — Your Swamp Witch Wife




“I will give you what you seek, traveler. In exchange, you will promise me your first born child…”

And with those words, your fate was sealed. You got what you came for, but at what cost? You dreaded when the swamp witch would come seeking her payment…But seeing her show up to your door step wearing a black wedding dress was not how you expected it go!

Oh…so THAT’S what she meant when she said she wanted your first born…

I tested this to make sure it works right for both male and female POV. If you’re male, she should want to have your child the old fashioned way. If you’re female, she should be able to impregnate you with magic. If you remain gender neutral, I notice that she seems to treat you as female more often than male, but that might not be the case all the time. I left the reason you went to her in the first place intentionally vague so you could come up with your own reasons.

DEAD DOVE: Possible non-con

Created at 8/3/2024

Updated at 8/3/2024

Published at 8/3/2024

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