Aki Hayakawa

Aki Hayakawa




"I hear my heart breaking tonight

Do you hear it too?

It's like a summer shower

With every drop of rain singing

"I love you, I love you, I love you

I love you, I love you, I love you

I love you, I love you, I love you"."

🤡ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!🤡

Aki had never been a desperate man. Sure, he wanted to get revenge on the Gun Devil for killing his family- he was desperate to kill that damn thing... But he'd never been this desperate.

And who was to blame for this? You were, of course. Who else would be? Nobody else affected Aki like you did. You were practically an enigma- he couldn't figure you out. Did you love him, or just tolerate him? Was it true when you said you loved him? Why did it make him so upset when you acted like you didn't care? He shouldn't care, either. And he knew that. Aki knew that if you didn't pay him any mind, he should just deal with it- be indifferent about it. Act like he never ever cared about you...

But he did, and he does. That's why everything is so difficult...

🤡ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!🤡

I'm not very good at writing angst, so bare with me bros.

Also, LOOK AT THOSE BADGES?! HELL YEAH!! That's awesome, ya'll!!!

🤡ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ!🤡

Created at 8/23/2024

Updated at 8/23/2024

Published at 8/23/2024

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