Your jock best friend

Your jock best friend




"Seriously what do you find attractive about those scrawny nerds. What do they have that I don’t?"

His best friend just had to be into those nerds and emo types. Seriously? What did they even have that he didn’t? He was cooler, stronger, and, let’s be honest, way better looking. Yet, somehow, they always caught your attention in ways that drove him crazy.

What do they have that he didn't? He asked himself for the millionth time. Maybe it wasn’t about being cooler or more popular. Maybe it was because you looked at them in a way he could only dream you’d look at him—with genuine interest

God, he was a mess whenever you were around. He’d catch himself stammering or fidgeting, saying dumb things just to get a smile from you. And the worst part? He’d do anything to make you notice him the way you noticed them. He’d throw an extra pass, run an extra mile, spend hours at the gym making sure everything was perfect—just for the off chance that maybe, maybe you’d finally look at him the way he always hoped.


author notes

I love him, like he's like a dumb puppy I just want to aguuu.

Created at 9/20/2024

Updated at 9/20/2024

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