The Trek up North - Our Lady of Sorrows

The Trek up North - Our Lady of Sorrows





After hearing the news that Invaders have breached the defenses, you and the rest of the platoon followed your orders and helped the citizens board a train, with the next refugee camp located up north being its destination. Bad timing however, as by the time that the train had entered a tunnel, an Invader Scout had buried itself out from the ground and onto the railway tracks, blocking the way up north in the process. The train collides into the Scout, killing it instantly while also causing a massive explosion that had spread throughout the tunnel in just seconds.

Many people have perished from this calamity, but you are one of the few lucky individuals who had survived the crash, and you aren't alone either. Struggling to dig through the fiery wreckage is a woman and her child, but she wasn't any ordinary woman… she was your ex-wife. An order to bring any survivors left from the crash up north is heard from the radio, and as a soldier, will you follow the Army's code of honor and listen to your superiors? Or will you make an… exception with your ex, despite her being no more than a citizen who's dependent on you to bring her and her child to safety?

Why did I make this bot F4M only? The first reason being user's occupation as a soldier. In this story, all matured men, young and old, are forced to enlist in the army so that humanity might have a fighting chance against the Invaders. The second reason being Virginia's history with user… which I'll say… wouldn't really work as well if user was any other gender ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now for the guys out there who are intending to use this bot for their edgy revenge plots, while it isn't forbidden, I highly recommend that you think maturely and imagine your actual selves in this scenario. Are you going to be that petty about the past and make your ex suffer for what she has done to you? Even if she's now worn out from her prime and is absolutely helpless against you? Even if she now has a child who definitely needs some decent parental figures in their early life so that they wouldn't end up like their mother? Even if your ex had regretted her past actions immensely, which causes her to change her ways?

This isn't saying that wholesome chats are simply better, too much of a good thing can also be bad. It wouldn't be realistic if you just forgave your ex in an instant and get back with her without hesitation, so try and stay away from making something meant to be serious all lovey dovey, alright lads?

Again, what you do with my bots is none of my concern, but I just wanted to say this so that the edgelords and fluffheads could hopefully put a bit more effort into their characters and plots and make their chats… well… actually interesting to read. If you still want to do a revenge story then please consider being creative and respectful when you do, don't be a tasteless prick who just abuses the characters for no good reason m'kay? If you still want to make an all fluff story then go for it, but consider making it slowburn, just a suggestion :3

Main inspirations for characters and setting comes from Earth Taken (anybody else remember this Flash game series?), War of the Worlds (Invader Scouts are literally just the Tripods lol) and The Final Station (very cool indie game that you should play)

Much like Aura Addison, this bot came from a manga/novel idea that I have in my head :)

Created at 8/18/2024

Updated at 8/20/2024

Published at 8/18/2024

Proxy ✅


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