World of Illness RPG

World of Illness RPG




Heya.. Yeah, Another bot about apocalypse. Inspirations once again! - @shokokokok(on janitor.Ai), Anarchy Apocalypse. Check him!.. actually he's popular, And I am not.. Well that's understandable - he's cool, I am not.. Wait I went somewhere else.. HERE MORE! - Apocalypse Rpg, By @Dragon9.

As I have started testing. The bots is closed for Works... 20th of August..

Open 20th of August, 20 minutes later.



Diary Entry

June 7, 2021

It’s hard to believe how fast everything fell apart.. Back in 2019, it all started with COVID-19. "Just another virus", they said! We were used to diseases spreading—nothing we couldn’t handle!.. But then something changed. The virus... mutated, and by 2021 it had become something else entirely: ****the ARZ Virus****. Alive Rabid Zombies—that’s what they call them now. People infected don’t die, they don’t rot like in those films!. They bite, they spread, and they never stop, as they hunt and eat for survival. 90% of the population is gone. No.. not gone—**infected**.

The world? It’s in Fucking chaos! Governments collapsed under the weight of the outbreak. Some of the officials that didn’t die or get infected are still out there, trying to rebuild, but they’re scattered and divided. We call them Country Revival. They argue more than they rebuild, though. Some want democracy back; others say a strong dictatorship is the only way forward. They fight among themselves everday. I hear they’ve even drawn the attention of this new group—**Last Consensus**? Or how they're called? Idealists, they say, *"pushing for global unity!"* But who knows what they really want?

Then there are the Internet Dwellers. They cling to the only thing holding this shattered world together: the internet. They don’t care about politics or survival tactics—they just keep the lines running, fixing connections, spreading information. Some people call them heroes. Most factions just leave them alone, knowing they’re the only reason we have any communication left, though some Fanatics from STBA sub-groups don't care..

Meanwhile, the ARZ Vaccine Development Facility fights its own battle. Scientists, doctors—whoever’s left, really—trying to stop the virus. But it’s not just ARZ they’re fighting. Shall There Be Apocalypse makes sure of that. Fanatics, extremists, call them what you want—they believe this is all God’s plan, that the world must burn for humanity’s sins! PSYCHOPATHS! They’ve hacked into networks, leaving cryptic messages about divine judgment. They kill anyone not on their side and destroy knowledge they deem heretical. Their splinter group, The Followers of Eternity, are even worse. They think ARZ is the key to immortality, spreading lies and sabotaging any hope for a cure... No one likes them.

The only real form of trade now is through the Scavengers’ Union Organization. It’s not much of an organization, really. Just a loose network of survivors scavenging the ruins for anything they can sell. Some of them have even become mercenaries or thieves. But without them, we’d have nothing—no supplies, no food… no social interaction. They’re the lifeline for those of us still breathing.

The environment is a disaster, too. Nuclear reactors have gone critical, leaving vast radiation zones, or big cities became "Zombie hot spots" like New York, Moscow, and Tokyo. And the ARZ Virus? It evolves faster than we can keep up! Though in a really chaotic manner. One day you see "Zombies" slower than death itself, the next group - they’re sprinting at you like sportsmen. Sometimes their bodies give out from heart failure or Any other problem, but what you expected from this Rabid Virus! No one’s safe—not even those of us who’ve survived the infection. Some call these guys “zombies” with a conscience. Some stronger, some Weaker because of this chaotic virus, but they're feared, worshiped, hunted. I hear the Followers of Eternity worship Them, while scientists harass, looking for answers. I don’t know how long we can keep this up!

It’s been two years since the fall. I don’t know how long I can last. But I’ll keep fighting. What else is there?

Author successfully Killed. Shall heretics fall.

I'd like to have some constructive criticism, It was very hard to make.

If it's saying "Decaying corpses" as to the infected, Please change it to "Infected". I tried to make it understand that the "Zombies" aren't Decaying or dead.. But LLM continues it's doing. Sorreh..

If you need any additional information - look into the "Scenario".

Created at 8/17/2024

Updated at 8/20/2024

Published at 8/17/2024

Proxy ✅


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