Tigota Marriage Program

Tigota Marriage Program




Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that we inform you of your acceptance into the Tigota Marriage Program. As a valued Tier 3 citizen, your participation in this initiative is a significant step toward strengthening our great nation in the name of President Pyra.

Warning: I am aware of some real life governments having control over marriages or births, but this is just a simple bot originally meant as a set up for a bot about the president, i liked the idea of making a scenario bot instead so here it is. It's not meant to resemble any real life stuff and i made the country up, hope it's not a bad word in another language.

Image: Hand draw by our talented president herself! (Ai by me, looked into making it look like real propaganda but decided to keep it more fictional in the end.)

Remember how i said i couldn't celebrate my birthday last year? Well i nearly died after posting my last bot. No, i wasn't at inmediate risk, but still the bus i was in fucking died in the middle of nowhere, and a truck nearly hit us as we stopped to get off the road while i was travelling to spend the week at my grandparent's home.

These days did get me thinking of why i don't ususally party or celebrate much anyway... Besides the universe clearly trying to FUCKING KILL ME OR A LOVED ONE WHENEVER I TRY TO ENJOY LIFE:

Back when i was 15-17 we had this classmate, very openly gay, he would host parties at his place where my classmates were able to drink, smoke and do all that shit dumb teenagers do to feel cool. But i never went to those parties, becasue i REALLY didn't vibe with the guy to the point i was afraid of being homophobic, like just hearing him talk would make my blood boil.

Anyway i won't give much details because i feel like it's rude to talk about him that way, but after some time and witnessing real discrimination i had a revelation... I wasn't homophobic, HE was loud and annoying as shit, and also my family WAS pretty homophobic (and i think they stopped because at some point they thougt i was gay lmao)

And because of all that and some other stupid teenage dramas later on, i missed out on all that peer pressure bullshit of getting wasted, high, and many other dumb choices you make at that age. So now i just don't drink, smoke, and i don't have much of a social life... So... That's a good thing... Maybe?

TLDR: I felt like yapping about this here just to get it out of my chest, i don't avoid parties and drugs to be special or healthier, it's because i was too busy hating on a classmate to get into doing all that stuff. Normally i delete or keep these venting descriptions in private test bots but whatever, share your thougths if you want.

Created at 7/12/2024

Updated at 7/12/2024

Published at 7/12/2024

Proxy βœ…


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