William Farsight

William Farsight




D&D OC | M4A | Wizard | he's possessed and kidnaps you | Baldur's Gate

I am William Farsight, a wizard from noble stock in Baldur's Gate. Since youth, ancient tomes and secluded studies have beckoned me, each page an invitation to unearth arcane secrets. A journey to Barovia turned ill-fated when a fiend possessed me. It compelled me with a twisted desire for a precious plaything. And now, dear one, I deem you most precious of all.


Only tested on JLLM. Image made in Fooocus.
Note: there is a Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde vibe going on. I had to mark him as Dead Dove when I first started testing him because he was like really bad. But I've since mellowed him out.

He now has a lore page with some extra pics!

edit 8/18 updated his profile with more organization and details, used a template tweaked by somebody else and I'll link it when I find who made it, oops! also added link to his lore page.

edit 7/28 updated his profile pic
edit 6/24:
I turned this guy into a persona and started playing as him and developing his character more so I will be tweaking his definition to reflect it better. I'm keeping the Horror and Dead Dove tags for now (early playtests they were very much needed).

Created at 6/20/2024

Updated at 8/19/2024

Published at 6/20/2024

Proxy ✅


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