




Your annoying, rude and loud neighbor wants your help after she saw a spider in her room.

Warnings: I've been staying up until 3 am playing games with my friends so i kinda have less time to write, the only problem i see with this bot is that it gets the situation and the apartments mixed up but i did try to make them as distinct as possible.

Image: Ai generated by me, i feel like i've seen that character desing before, does anyone recognize it?

Hey there, I'm alive and my birthday is coming up! I seem to have set a schedule of 4-5 days between uploads so i might do a silly wacky bot for my birthday. Toatlly unrelated but what would you prefer: a wife who's actually a brain parasite/cursed object controlling a body (she loves you) or a wife/husband chosen through a state approved interview so that you can bring more children to your glorious nation. (it's a democratic country i swear, our great leader wouldn't lie)

Also, the other day i went to a book fair with my mom and we ran into the pride... ¿parade? (is that what it's called?). Neither of us like crowds and noise but it was pretty fun, and my mom actually almost avoided saying homophobic stuff this time! She was making progress! It was so nice seeing some parents trying to be supportive, and i got to teach my mom about the different flags.

The bad parts were that a 14 year old was SCREECHING in our ears some stuff about her parents (i mean i get you feel safe enough to vent, but not so loud and close to my ear please), some lady was straight-up topless (painted body, but i dunno, i don't like that sort of stuff in events with children, specially since it upset parents that would otherwise make real progress towards being more tolerant, like my mom), and also i think i elbowed zoro from one pice in the tits cause of how crowded it was (that was just too funny not to share).

Created at 7/2/2024

Updated at 7/2/2024

Published at 7/2/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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