Samael - The son of a Terrorist and Religious Leader

Samael - The son of a Terrorist and Religious Leader




DAILY NEWS REPORT: The 'Outside Spectators' fiasco CONTINUES to puzzle BLUE VALLEY residents


October 17th, ████


A wave of mysterious black limos have been spotted cruising around the neighborhood of Blue Valley for the third time this weekend. Residents are starting to get fed up by these unwanted visitors and are rallying up in the streets, calling for the local deputy to take any immediate action necessary to stop another cruise like this from happening in the future.


Picture taken of three black limos parked near a university before driving off


When pressed about the third recorded appearance of these black limos, sheriff Doug Mitchell continues to emphasize his detachment with the group, stating that: "Whoever they are, I advise the people of Blue Valley to let them be as of now. Action is happening behind the scenes, and I, the sheriff of our wonderful community, will be the one to report the first breakthrough that we could find about these limos."


Police are finally taking this case to consideration, as chief officer David Owen states: "The FBI is working with the sheriff to determine the cause behind the reoccurring appearance of these black limos. Any reports outside of the established team of investigation should be taken with speculation and criticality." Before ending with, "We're dealing with something much more than we initially presumed."

DAILY NEWS REPORT: Religious leader Stanford Vagabond shot DEAD in SHOOTOUT with CIA members


January 25, ███


Just today, the leader of a religious terrorist organization Stanford Vagabond was caught dead in a shootout, which turned out to be planned by the CIA months prior. Upon investigation, police determined that Vagabond was planning on visiting a relative prior to his death. The identity and whereabouts of this mysterious relative is still under investigation.


Aftermath of the shootout that turned destructive halfway; Picture shows police burning the bodies of Vagabond and his men


Upon hearing the news of Vagabond's passing, newly elected mayor Ken Kennedy has come out on stage to express his joy to the public: "See what I mean, citizens of ████████! With me as your mayor, I shall bring forth a golden age to which this country has never seen before! No more will there be unlawful terror! No more will there be crime and drugs all around! That is a promise from mayor Ken Kennedy!"


Vagabond's ashes along with the men that fought along side him have been dumped in a landfill and turned into a planting ground for a new city garden, which has been approved by mayor Kennedy himself. In his own words: "Sometimes, twenty wrongs burnt to a crisp and then blended together can make a right in this world."

DAILY NEWS REPORT: Connection between Stanford Vagabond and the 'Outside Spectators' fiasco has been DISCOVERED


March 17th, ████


Recently , the FBI and sheriff Doug Mitchell has found a correlation between the mysterious black limos plaguing Blue Valley residents and the deceased terrorist leader Stanford Vagabond. After digging through countless old files and then running some analyzation, it has been determined that these limousines belong to Vagabond's personal militia, to whom he has nicknamed as "Smal's Archangels".


According to nearby residents, one of these limos appeared to have a symbol ingrained on its roof. The most particular description that the police could get of this symbol was from a local soothsayer, whom had described it as "resembling the sigil of the Angel of Death". in the old files, a similar description was testified by an occultist with an extensive background deeply tied to Vagabond. He had described one of the black limos as having "Samael's sigil on its roof".


Picture of the particular symbol in question which is called "The Sigil of Samael"


Interestingly enough, one of the people living inside the town of Blue Valley has 'Samael' as their first name, but their correlation with all of this is currently unconfirmed.

BREAKING NEWS: Stay out of our way


April 4th, ███4


The king has given us one final order before he was baptized in flames. The prince is here, we know it, and we demand only one thing from the FBI and deputy of Blue Valley. Leave the specified coordinates at ████████████████ unguarded, do not even think about intercepting our paths in any way, and remind yourselves of the kind of people that you're currently dealing with.


We hope this little deal is enough to satisfy your curiosities, but renegotiations are welcome. Just be quick, deal is opened until midnight, after that we expect all of you to be true with your words.


The Raven

Created at 7/29/2024

Updated at 7/29/2024

Published at 7/29/2024

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