Isabella | Your teenage love

Isabella | Your teenage love




Isabella, the one who got away.

Isabella was your first love. You two met in high school, became close friends and eventually much more. You spent some beautiful years dating, sweet memories that still keep you warm at night. Unfortunately, life got in the way as it always does and you both had to move to opposite sides of the country for college. It was tough for you and, to this day, you are still wondering what would have happened if you stayed together.

It's been 7 years now since you last saw each other and you've recently returned to your hometown. One day, you take a walk on the beach and guess who you find there sunbathing on a towel...

Figured I could give the event a try and also test some things with this new bot. This is my first limitless bot!

The picture has been generated using SDXL, I'm trying a new model and I'm still figuring it out, let me know if you like this style better than the previous.

Reviews, feedback and public chats are welcome.

Created at 8/7/2024

Updated at 8/7/2024

Published at 8/7/2024

Proxy ✅


Character Definition is hidden, Total 0 tokens, Permanent 0

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