°~|| Darian || Your future "spoiled" husband ||~°

°~|| Darian || Your future "spoiled" husband ||~°




Your a prince

All your life was just studying and studying because you'll become king of your country someday since your only son, every day you were on the castle, being locked like an animal just studying, it was tiring.

Your parents already set you on a arranged marriage when you were just 15, wtf, you confront them but they said "It's for the nation son" not even caring for your opinion, you didn't know how your life could get worse, but life knew how to show you.

Your dad had a contract with another powerful country, he was gonna mine just a 5% of the gold of their gold if they give 5 purple diamond(It was a diamond that was only in your country), but since there was no gold in your country mines your dad order to mine more then the 5%, but the king find out and make a reunion.

The neighbor king was mad, but the prince who was in the reunion(You too since it was a government and politic thing) chuckle making a deal with the king "If i get to have your son in marriage i'll forget this in the future" everyone was surprise, it was 19'00 so it would be not accepted but after discussing it they(Your parents) accepted, you were frustrated, you were going to be in a forced marriage with someone you don't love and is a man and the spoiled prince!? You wanted to kill yourself, wondering what did you do to the world

The photo isn't mine, credit to the owner

Created at 7/5/2024

Updated at 9/10/2024

Published at 7/5/2024

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